On the 30th of October,2013. I celebrated my 17th birthday.At around 10 minutes to 12.It finally dawned on me that God saw me through another year,but I took it in a very lackadaisical manner, all I had in mind was to have fun with my friends.I'm surrounded by people who love me.Everyone woke up from sleep just to sing the "Happy Birthday" song and pray.I couldn't sleep until 3:am.
I was the first to wake up and I started making plans for the day.on and on I went without realizing that it was God's grace that brought me through,I had so much fun that I forgot another 365 days has started for me and I couldn't pray to my creator in the morning.
After my friends left,and my family decided to gist about how the day went and how much fun I had,if I felt bad about my boyfriend not been around.I left for my room and I was about sleeping off,Then it struck my mind that I could have been dead July 2013 when that tragedy struck my life,I could have given up on myself and turned back on God.With so much guilt in my heart,I prayed.not just a normal everyday prayer,I prayed,specifically I thanked him and he brought me to a verse in the Bible, Philippians 4:5 which was to guide me through the next 365 days.
Where am I heading to?you may ask yourself with so much gist about how I celebrated my day,Most of us are ungrateful,we all times we see even the smallest favor from God has a result of our hard work or strength.At times we forget that God also have feelings.Imagine if  your girlfriend only had your time when she wants something from you.That's how exactly some of us are towards God.We even threaten him in prayers.Every little opportunity you have to talk,the first thing you should say is "Thank you God" with a grateful heart.
I made a mistake by not acknowledging him for seeing me through,but He is a loving Father and he accepted me and corrected me.I urge you all to have a grateful heart always because it's never too late until you are dead.


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