Mess up your life!.Yes I said that and I know you are wondering "Is she advising us to mess up our life,like do stupid things for no reason in particular".I want you to think back to the last time you made a mistake that really messed you up.It's a Universal truth,along the journey of your life,You are going to mess up but you know what?.It's how you dust yourself back to reality that matters the  most.
If you ever give up on yourself and tell yourself "I'm never going to make it".You won't make you won't.Keep trying,hold yourself up.Keep smiling,You have to believe in your self because if you don't,who will?You might say,"What does she know,she doesn't know what I've been through".You are right! I don't know but you know what?,I may never even know the struggles you are facing but if you use that "Struggling" as an avenue to mess up your life and say "Oh I'm messed up,let me just make it more messy".You are only causing more pain and emotionally,you are slowly killing your self esteem.
People have to understand that Life would break you at some point,it is normal.The message I'm trying to get across is that 'An unexamined life is not worth living'.If you give up you've given up on other people also because God created you as vessel unto others,If you give up on yourself,you've given up on God and other souls connected to your destiny.Stop the murmuring and take bold steps today and if it means changing your friends,attitude and mentality.Do it. 


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