She is not supposed to share her feelings yet bottling them up is frustrating..
She is not allowed to wear too much make up because she would be tagged as an "attention seeker", yet not wearing make up would be Uncool.
She is not supposed to give out her phone number out on a first date(even if she wants to),if she does she would be considered to be a cheap brat and she can't be herself on a first date because she would also be "too forward" 
She is not meant to tell a boy how she feels,no matter what how deep she feels because her feelings might be played upon.
She is not supposed to care,because caring too much brings pain and not caring is rude and inconsiderate.
She is supposed to be able to handle guys and the dramas they play.
She is supposed to have her first kiss by age 15 even if she doesn't like the guy
Still a virgin at age 21 is boring and not cool and losing her virginity before 21 is slutty.
She is supposed to party hard and do things for no specific reason,if not she is Antisocial and yet Antisocial is the new cool. 
She supposed to walk like the Victoria secrets's models and look like them,If not she is fat and ugly.
She is to look sexy every time of the day even while pooing in the toilet and have a flat stomach. 
She is supposed to wear the latest clothes and accessories even if she can't afford it,
I can go on  and on about the cool things expected by a teenage girl,even if she doesn't want to be cool and just be herself.We go through a lot that decides if we are going to be strong or not,but some of us are smart and know what we want from life.some of us are confused and want to be popular and do things that would cause attention,remember that you can not please everybody no matter how hard you try.No one would respect you if you aren't yourself.If it has worked out for another person that way,it might not work for you because we are all unique,and God has plan for us according to your purpose in life.just be yourself that way you'd gain respect from the right people.


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