Dear Deola,
First of all this letter is all about what you will encounter and the changes that you would go through. Hmmn the bad gist first: life is not going to be easy.Its going to toss you and hurt you but that would make you stronger.Daddy wouldn't be there, and Mommy would leave at a particular time but she would keep in touch,Neither mom nor dad would be there for your 10th birthday because they wouldn't be together any more,Uncle Aje would keep you in the hot seat on that day but you would have the biggest and pinkest cake any 10 year old would love to have.
You would go to one of the richest secondary school in Lagos, but Nobody would be there for your open days, and PTA meetings and you would be scolded for that in school.You would have few friends in your Junior years because you are not going to be as cool as "they" are.You would be brilliant but you will hate Maths class so you better start working on that.
Emotionally and Mentally you are going to be weak and it would hurt to the extent that you would feel like giving up on life because no one would care.In your senior years,You would love it,trust me but its not going to be easy because you would have haters from your same sex because this is where your physical body begins to change and the hour glass shape is attracting them.What you would have loved in your junior years would be following you all around and you wouldn't know how to deal with them but eventually you will.Every one would think you are weird but that's who you are.Your boyfriend would be one of the hottest basket ball player in school,You would meet two crazy people in your class:Danielle and Kammal, they would be your emotional support during "The" days.Danielle would later be your family friend and sister so you better watch out for her and cherish her and Kammal your naughty friend.They both have big heads and big bums.
You would later be the center of attraction at a time but later you'd realize that there would be more to that,At a time with all of this you'd still feel empty because you haven't accepted Christ but you would eventually and you'd love him.Remember those days when Busayo would scare you and say its only the Israelite that would go to heaven, don't mind her.Your best friend Emily would piss you off so many times because she would hardly have your time in the senior years but you'd eventually love her and accept her the way she is.Your final year would be the best, by the way you would have your first kiss at age 15 but it wouldn't be like what you watched in HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, you can change that.At a time you'd get tired of what you love:Guys asking you out here and there.You would boast of a fresh face and even your seniors in school would ask you out so don't be eager because they are not what you want.Your Maths teacher in your Senior year wouldn't be nice at all so be prepared to deal with him.
The biggest surprise is that you wouldn't study Law and neither would you school abroad because that is not God's purpose for you.At first you would be disappointed but you would later realize that its not God's purpose, and the race is not to the Swift.
Deola,You would later meet people that would change the way you think.People would laugh at you because of some certain decision but that would make you stronger.You'd be a changed person by the time you graduate.You would eventually love eating Sharwama and Amala and Okra soup would eventually be one of your best foods.You'd still retain the baby fat in your face and it would lead to you having a Chubby face.
Little Deola, I will stop here but I will write to you later,Cherish every moment you have now but don't live in the past.Make the corrections where I made mistakes.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yours Sincerely,                                                                                                                                            The Older You.


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