Hey Guys.

I'm so happy to be sitting in front of a laptop with free WiFi.I know it's been a while,School work kept me busy for four months.It was great,you know, I encountered both the good and the bad during that short period.so what's new? well I'm now a student of Covenant University.Is that a big deal?well maybe not.I have loads of gist for you guys. 
I remember before I left for school I was not even consistent but now that I'm back from school and all i do is to sit at home,play with my phone and invite my friends over to my house,I have enough time to write....2014 is almost over (whoop whoop) I'm so happy,Are you?I mean it has been awesome.
I made mistakes,I learnt,I cried,I smiled,I laughed but in total summary,I'm stronger,wiser and I'm so grateful to God for his numerous blessings.Life in Covenant University is not rosy(I was expecting it to be),I can remember vividly,my first few weeks I was stressed,weak and I was frustrated.I didn't have time for my "personal" devotion,no time to take a break and meditate,i was like a zombie but all thanks to God and my Make up Kit that assisted me in hiding flaws...My first Sunday in that AMAZING school,guess what? they decided to wake us up,3:30 in the morning!!!! Mahnnn,I was furious.and you know they have this loud annoying speaker right in front of every wing,then they start announcing with a loud voice(like the speaker isn't loud enough),sometimes they announce like they're angry with us.I wouldn't blame them,they're also frustrated.They don't stop at announcing once,they repeat the same thing over and over.
Today,i just want you guys to know that I'm back and I'm loaded with gist,you know,life of a fresher...But first,i have other issues to attend to.



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