Of recent,I've been lazy and yes i know its not good.
Today I'm talking about Christianity and how we're shy to openly confess God.
I remember when i gave my life to Christ and how i loved spending time with God, i'd read my bible everyday, pray and even meditate, but these days it's a different ball game. I really can't say if it's laziness or if its procrastination.
I got a mail from someone on how to be a better christian, i think the person got the email address wrong, because i'm still trying to improve myself to be a better christian, that's why i decided to blog about it.
Most of us are like this, we want to reach out to God, spend time with him but so many things hold us back. 
As teenagers, Peer Pressure plays a major part, we don't want our friends to know that we're ''Jesus freaks'' Yet we love him, we don't want to boldly say that we love him because its "not cool" ,we don't want to be tagged as weird, or stale or 'fill in the gap', but really I have been in that situation before and trust me it didn't help. 
I'm also using this opportunity to inspire myself, God doesn't want to be the, permit me; "side chick", he wants you to love him and for you to be proud of him.
I encourage people to read the bible and spend time with God. Although we may find it hard to do, maybe because we're busy or something. but whatever reason it is, we should always have time for God. I pray God would give us the strength to love him, spend time with him, appreciate him before its too late. 
I hope that this would inspire those of us in this category to brush up and change our timetable. You'd be reading more of my posts, i pray I'd be consistent.


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