CHRISTMAS is here people,Finally!.but the weather has not changed yet,THEY have SNOW,we have HARMATTAN,but I can't feel it yet. Harmattan is what gingers you for Christmas. My boo's birthday is next week and i'm as rich as f*ck,I looked at my purse but it was not smiling at me and my Ogas at the top are yet to pay us,May God provide for us this month.I was even thinking that I'm going to scrap buying of Christmas clothes for myself,i'm not a kid anymore,but deep down i want sha.
This Christmas is quite demanding because now i'm earning my own cash and everyone is expecting you to "Do Christmas for them"and a midst your needs you still have to buy for some certain people(only for those who made your 2013 worth it),you have a lot to buy for friends and family,not to talk about what you are planning on getting for yourself,I just wish someone would just say"Baby please manage this $10 million till I get more".(say Amen).mainly Christmas is about spending and buying and if you are not careful,you might just enter the new year broke,so be careful with what you buy.
Basically I'm trying to imagine how I want to spend my Christmas,I'm going to be free from the 20th,so book me now or struggle later.Back to how you can spend a memorable Christmas:
1.KNOW THE AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU HAVE:This should be the first thing you should do,before you promise those little cousins of yours a new shoe etc,because by doing this,you know what to avoid and what you can afford.
2. SCALE OF PREFERENCE:I never knew my knowledge of Economics would come in handy but its useful now.for those of you who do not understand what a scale of preference is,It's a list of items you make in order from the most important to the least important in terms of needing satisfaction.
3.BUY WITH SENSE:When I talk about buying with sense,it means that you should buy quality things yet affordable,don't just buy without checking the price because this is Christmas,the price won't come down,it's going to be the opposite.Try not to buy with your eyes.ask yourself before buying.DO I NEED THIS NOW?
4.BROKE?:For the broke brother's and sister's,try not to go to the mall or hang out except you were invited or you just want to window shop and only go if someone is going to take your burden.And for those of you who are always going out every time,always partying and all,stay in your house and spend time with your family after all that's what Christmas is all about.If they ask you why you are indoor this festive period,tell them you are spending time with your family.simple.dont go and do follow follow and put your self in"gbese".by the way if you are broke this Christmas,the lord shall bless us all with abundance.That's it for today,do have a nice day and stay out of trouble.


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